Telling Your Story as a Marketing Tool

Telling Your Story as a Marketing Tool

More than the look — the iconic black mock turtleneck and the stylish wire-rim glasses — we knew the story. How he created Apple computers from his garage in California, and how he was later fired from his own company. How he generated massive consumer buzz through his much-hyped product releases, and how crowds moved to the edge of their seats whenever he was on stage. We heard he was a vegan. We heard he was fiercely competitive. And we heard that pancreatic cancer was the villain that took this visionary innovator from us.

We know this, yet most of us never met him.

And despite the fact we haven’t said it yet, we know his name. Because in addition to inventing technology that redefined an industry, Steve Jobs shared who he was with the public. His legacy — and his brand — are more encompassing than just his products.

So how can your story connect with potential customers? For Marketing Matters president Coleen Leith Sterns, her story comes from a lifelong obsession with technology — in her own words, she’s “always been a geek” and is proud of it. As a child, she longed for her very own Jetsons’ flying car, or at the very least a Star Trek tricorder. It’s no surprise, then, that Coleen has made consumer electronics her passion, and that Marketing Matters has generated more than 20 years of successful relationships and a constant stream of industry praise along the way.

Your website’s “About Us” section should highlight who you are, why you do what you do, and should showcase how your company’s accomplishments and expertise will create outstanding results for your customers and clients. Consumers are drawn to personal connections much more than they’re drawn to a list of unimaginative company babble. Make them remember you!.

Establishing a connection with your target audience and giving them a reason to remember you will increase your chances of getting their business. You only have one chance to make a good first impression. You don’t need to become Steve Jobs. You just need to share what makes you special.

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