Are You Providing the Customer Service Your Home Technology Clients Expect?

Are You Providing the Customer Service Your Home Technology Clients Expect?

Is your customer service affecting your bottom line? Most likely, even more than you think. The numbers don’t lie: It takes a lot more effort and money to obtain a new home technology customer than it does to retain a current one.

So why aren’t more companies focused on customer service?

By not taking the time to develop customer service procedures for every situation you might run into, you’re not only affecting your reputation and brand but you’ll be forced to increase your customer acquisition investment and risk your sales numbers.

Every day, consumers gain more and more power over corporations. They dictate the brand values that they will support and only invest their hard-earned money in companies they trust. Customer service is your biggest resource to build that trust. All it takes is one miss-managed situation, one viral video of an employee miss-handling a situation, a social media feed full of customer complaints, for even established giants to plummet. Out of USA Today’s Top 20 most- hated companies, over half cite bad customer service as the culprit.

The good news is that by training your employees and implementing a few solid customer service strategies, you can be better equipped to provide the customer service your clients expect. Here are a few recommendations:

Develop clear benefits for each of your sales channels

By helping your customers make informed purchasing decisions, you eliminate a lot of dissatisfaction due to a lack of education. How many times have you purchased a product expecting it to satisfy a need and upon using it realize that it does not do what you expected? By targeting the ideal customer for your product and clearly communicating the benefits, you eliminate confusion and make sure that you provide value to your clients.

Make product training simple and easily accessible

One of the biggest reasons that people call customer service is the lack of product training. You might think that’s what your customer service department is for, but ask yourself how managing those types of calls affect the wait time of people that have real service issues? Use other channels, such as online step-by-step manuals or video tutorials to help your customers with common installation or setup issues.

Set up tech support that is easy to reach

Your tech support needs to be available in a variety of channels; chat, online, email, and telephone. Establish clear guidelines regarding response time and frequently test the process to make sure that your team is accessible and responding in a timely manner.

Make product registration simple

Product registration doesn’t get as much credit as it deserves. One, it simplifies managing and resolving warranty issues. Two, it’s a great upselling tool. Make the process as simple as possible for the end-user to streamline issue resolution and solidify your relationship with existing customers.

What’s your most effective customer service strategy? Share it in the comments!

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